Elastic Certified Engineer Exam V8.1 - 2023

Learn and Pass Elastic Certified Engineer Exam V8.1 - 2023 Edition

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Elastic Certified Engineer Exam V8.1 - 2023

Free Courses : Elastic Certified Engineer Exam V8.1 - 2023

Data Management

Define an index that satisfies a given set of requirements

Define and use an index template for a given pattern that satisfies a given set of requirements

Define and use a dynamic template that satisfies a given set of requirements

Define an Index Lifecycle Management policy for a time-series index

Define an index template that creates a new data stream

Searching Data

Write and execute a search query for terms and/or phrases in one or more fields of an index

Write and execute a search query that is a Boolean combination of multiple queries and filters

Write an asynchronous search

Write and execute metric and bucket aggregations

Write and execute aggregations that contain sub-aggregations

Write and execute a query that searches across multiple clusters

Write and execute a search that utilizes a runtime field

Developing Search Applications

Highlight the search terms in the response of a query

Sort the results of a query by a given set of requirements

Implement pagination of the results of a search query

Define and use index aliases

Define and use a search template

Data Processing

Define a mapping that satisfies a given set of requirements

Define and use a custom analyzer that satisfies a given set of requirements

Define and use multi-fields with different data types and/or analyzers

Use the Reindex API and Update By Query API to reindex and/or update documents

Define and use an ingest pipeline that satisfies a given set of requirements, including the use of Painless to modify documents

Define runtime fields to retrieve custom values using Painless scripting

Cluster Management

Diagnose shard issues and repair a cluster's health

Backup and restore a cluster and/or specific indices

Configure a snapshot to be searchable

Configure a cluster for cross-cluster search

Implement cross-cluster replication

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